
References (selection)

Brand New World, developer of leading brands such as RTL Cari Tree or Pro7’s Win Pin.

Mobileview, a leading Mobile Ennabler in Europe, belonging to public listed D+S AG group.

M-Sales, a pioneer in web to mobile marketing, covering 7 countries al over Europe at present.

M-tel, market leading mobile carrier in Bulgaria, a 100% daughter of Telekom Austria.

Netbiscuits, world market leader in mobile applications with clients such as Springer, Spiegel, AOL, Ebay etc.

WAZ  (ZGB Bulgaria) one of Euope’s leading print media houses, rapidly changing to a fully intergrated media house.

Mediaprint, Austria’s largest print media house, portfolio includes leading „Kronen Zeitung“, „Kurier“ and „TV heute“., the new and highly successfull Web 2.0 sportsportal, shareholders are management, Ströer Media AG (media ventures) and Premiere AG (Pay TV channel).

Jahreszeitenverlag, Germany’s top Women’s magazine and lifestyle publisher (Prinz, Petra, Für Sie etc.), based in Hamburg.

Mäc Geiz, Germany’s no. 2 non-food-discounter.

